2024/04: Crazy weather delayed the cherry blossoms, letting them ornate our beautiful campus to receive the new academic year. Starting with a full M2 lab and hoping for a great research season.

2024/03/25: Commencement day is back at the University of Tsukuba. The Biomechanics Lab proudly graduated three students, wishing them a bright path and fun adventures ahead.

2023/12: Winter is coming, and our students are in the jolly spirit, celebrating the soon-to-come holidays. Time to recharge batteries, share with family and friends and have some fun.

2023/8/30: Summer is reaching its final days, bringing with it for the first time the Commencement Ceremony for the Interdisciplinary Engineering Program. Congratulations to Ian, who graduated from our lab.

2023/7/24 ~ 28: Our lab members attended the IEEE 45th Annual International Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) 2023 held in Sydney, Australia. Three presentations in total were held successfully, and lots of science conversations, networking, and fun were experienced along with the fantastic conference. It was the first time for our lab to join the event, but it will probably become a regular one in the upcoming years. Inspiring, interesting, and awesome.

2023/4: Spring arrived and our campus is flourishing. Welcoming the 2023 team to the Biomechanics Lab.

2023/3/24: With nature blooming around, Commencement Day is back @UT. Congratulations to all members graduating from our lab!

2022/11/4: Lab members attended a tea ceremony party at Kambara Hall organized by the Tea Ceremony Club of the University of Tsukuba, where Reo Togashi (B4) is a member. If you want to learn more about Sado, check the club’s posts on Twitter here!

2022/10/23 ~ 27: Lab members attended the International Conference of Intelligent Robots IROS 2022 held at Kyoto. Learning while having fun in the beautiful former capital city of Japan!

2022/10/18 ~ 21: Lab members attended the 2022 IEEE 11th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics held at Osaka. It was a fantastic event, and our Master’s student (M1) Tomohito Fujimoto was awarded the Bronze Prize on Excellent Paper Awards with the manuscript entitled “First-Person View Hand Posture Estimation and Fingerspelling Recognition Using HoloLens”. Congratulations.

2022/04: Our lab has a new logo. The official color is green, but variations are also great.

2022/04/13: Starting the year with an amazing team. Welcome students!

2022/03/25: Commencement ceremony day at UT. Congratulations Bachelors.